Monday 23 November 2009

My Current Daily Affirmations

As per the book and the Bob Proctor's the Goal Achiever Seminar CD I now have a set of daily affirmations that I am repeating out load each day to myself, these are aimed at implanting thoughts, emotions etc in to my sub conscious as pr the illustration a couple of posts back. I recognise the need for a mindset change which will in turn change my results. I looked at my life, my history and the results I am currently achieving (while I often under estimate the power and value of my achievements and results, some things I would like to change). I was brought up in a Farming family, hard long working days were expected, however I am very aware of the fact that you don't have to work so hard and long hours to achieve great results and have a great lifestyle. By implanting these thoughts and feelings in to my sub-conscious I hope to redress the balance and achieve the great results and goals I have set myself.

1. I run a fantastic and very successful client referral scheme in my business, which is generating rapid growth in the business month on month.

2. I live a balanced work and personal life, this is a brilliant feeling and I am proud of my results.

3. I get attract and deliver amazing results in everything I do.

4. I encourage risk taking and self expression with in all aspects of my life.

5. I make a good profit (exactly what your in business for) from every business transaction, while delivering great quality that customers appreciate and thank me for in writing on a regular basis.

6. I get paid on time by my clients, they value what we do for their business.

7. I am positive in all that i do, thoughts, deeds, thinking and actions.

8. I am successful, a great achiever, who can see things through effectively and people around me teal me how great this is for them and our company.

9. I am a doer, I get things done, effectively, efficiently and in a manor supported by those around me.

10. I am efficient, organised, honest, kind, considerate and fair in all that I do.

11. I am a good listener asking more questions, speaking less than I listen, people comment to others how interesting it was speaking with me and that I help them to grow their contacts and business whenever the opportunity arises, regardless.

12. My business and operations are advanced in the market place, well organised, profitable and delivers fantastic customer service, every time.

13. I am honest with my partner dealing with problems quickly showing I care and love her.

14. I make decisions quickly and efficiently without emotion all the time.

15. I am very well organised and passionate about administration and paperwork.

16. I believe I am worth every penny I am charging and deserve to be paid on time. My clients see this and respect this.

17. I am positive with everyone I interact with.

18. i will not allow other people to implant their negative vibrations in me.

19. I am prosperous and attract prosperity to myself and those with whom I come in to contact with all the time.

20. I am a total success in everything I do.

21. I set high goals fro myself and I achieve them again and again.

22. I am a total success things go my way in life and all my efforts bring rich rewards.

23. i set high goals for myself which i attain, I am warm and friendly person, people are naturally drawn to me.

24. People seek me out to do business with me.

25. I am totally relaxed and confident when making any sort of presentation.

26. I feel positive at all times and people respond to me in a positive way.

27. I powerfully attract more and more customers to my business.

28. it is becoming easier and easier for me to realise my sales goals.

29. My positive and enthusiastic attitude is infectious.

30. People want to buy from me.

31. My customers recommend me to othrs and the number of clients I have is increasing daily.

32. My sales are increasing dramatically.

33. My income level is rising higher and higher all the time.

34. I am a success in all that I do, everything goes my way and works out positively for me.

35. I have a magnetic personality and attract positive people towards me.

36. More and more is coming to me.

37. All of my efforts are productive.

38. I believe in myself completely.

39. I am attaining my sales goals nothing can deter me from them.

40. My income level is increasing dramatically.

41. I have total confidence and know I am a winner in life.

42. Money comes to me easily.

43. It is absolutely OK and great to earn more money than Dad.

44. I deserve riches and success is mine, prosperity is mine.

Now i have used some of these from Bob as they are very relevant to me, I hope by implanting these i can adapt my mindset to achieve and do great things with my life, if not for me for others and my dependants and legacy.

What are your affirmations????

Thursday 19 November 2009

Bob Protor V Clip

Simon Gilbert sent me a link to one of Bob's latest pages try it yourself very very interesting

The Bob Proctor Diagram

Been a little hectic today, with a client issue arising I had little time to do much, but am aware that I do need to, the principles are always on my mind, as I have an errand to run shortly I Will be able to listen to some CD's on route. in the meantime here is a good little diagram to think about, courtesy of good old Bob.

Looking at the diagram you can see the way our mind works, how the thoughts and information we have been fed for many years through our fathers and forefathers to bring us to where we are today, that said if it has gone in we can set new results by adding in new ways of thinking, changing our mindset. It is referred to in the TAGR book as weeding or something like that. Imagine a garden full of weeds....keep removing the weeds (bad mindset0 and adding good then eventually you will have a fertile garden. Thus your results will change.
Off i go to think good things and absorb some more good info to my sub conscious.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

My big realisation on the future a thought

During the early stages of the Think and Grow Rich class (I had been attending with Simon Gilbert the business coach from Yorkshire who runs the course I would liken to the Gorden Ramsey of business coaching) I put together a small composition of my thoughts, what had been awaken in me and how I for see the future to come through this learning and the potential journey I will be travelling in the next few years.

Realising that the main pain is choosing to let go of my perceptions and awaken to a new way of thinking.....
Now comes weeks, months if not possibly years of removing the baggage and instilled ideas from the past. Detaching it is going to be a painful (but enlightening) experience and process that will be achieved. I must hold on to the emotion and good feeling that is to come IT will be SUCH an enlightening a journey, invigoration and I will embrace any pain to get the gain. Stick to my purpose, desire and faith to achieve the outcome I/You seek, persistence will see you through and set you free

D Wiseman

Think and Grow Rich Chapter One

Here you have the audio of the 1st chapter I talked about yesterday. This morning I woke at 4 AM once again after yesterday managing to achieve completing a web site that we needed to do for a client in double quick time. We thought we would miss the deadline yesterday but we stuck to our purpose and all gathered together and got the job out. Sticking to purpose......enjoy

I did not have time to read as I had to get prepared for BNI this morning and so I listened to to the first chapter again on You Tube, listen below.

Napoleon Hill talks about his meeting with Andrew Carnegie

Here Mr Hill talks about his meeting with Andrew carnegie, very worth a listen and very much assists when reading the book

Monday 16 November 2009

My Primary Goal

Setting my primary goal has been probably the most easy thing to do so far. I have known for a long time that I am determined to seek out a fortune and I am and have always been aware that the exchange I will have to give will be hard work, determination and continued perseverance in the face of adversity. Not that I want to have a challenged rise to the summit, but what will seem like over night success is often preceeded (and not seen by the masses) by a lot of hard work.

I have set a goal to have a bank balance statement in credit of £10,000,000.00 by the first of January 2012. I have this written on a goal card and show it to anyone who will look at it Iam proud of what I am aiming for and sahre it often. This may sound to some greedy and to others downright arrogant, but I want the luxury life, the cars the properties and the future financial security for my loved ones, I am dam sure going to give it my best shot we only have one life. Hey we all deserve it....don't we?

While doing this there are many things I am prepared to exchange for this great reward, such as producing great results for my clients, the intention being to have over 1000 clients making a profit from the investments they make with my companies.

As well as that I am setting up a goal for a charity to raise £1,000,000.00 in the next ten years for good causes such as the NSPCC, Great Ormond Street Hospital and other such good causes. i also have a great love for football and played at (well some might not say) a pretty good level. You know how we hear the stories about how what could have been. Yes i feel that frustrated too, I was a goal keeper in my hay day you see and I think (as wall men footy players do) that I could have saved the penalty in the world cup and got us to the final and indeed won it for us.

So what has that got to do with doing good things you ask? Well I would like to start or fund a goal keeping academy to fins the next Gordon Banks for England and get them to the team, see them save the penalty and shots that win the world cup....yes I want to be there in spirit if I can't be in body anymore. So if you have any ideas on how to raise the funds and fins that keeper ......drop me a line.

Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich Two-Mastermind Principles

Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich Video Part One

Here is a video of Napoleon Hill on You Tube

Starting over Mindpower

I woke bright and early this morning, at 3.30 AM even my alarm was not set until four. Having read two great chapters yesterday I decided to go back to the introduction and read it again. I intend to read the book several times over the coming months. like any great book every time I re-read a chapter I am learning something each time. Having struggled these past few weeks to be motivated I am once again finding the great energy need to achieve my goals. Yesterday's catch up must have sub consciously woken my energy again.

Reading Mind power The intro to Think and Grow Rich) again I found some great little nuggets of inspiration, observation and learning's.

The first was to hear how Edwin Barnes has so wanted to work with Edison that he was prepared to travel across America and declare his intentions to the Inventor and wait until such time that an opportunity to do so (many years later I might add) while living on a meagre wage.

I also learned again about the story "3 ft from Gold" ( a saying I adopted the first time i heard it) where an uncle if RU Darby got gold fever, borrowed to the hilt to attain the necessary equipment to dig for gold, only to quit when apparently first the gold then his money ran out (only to find that the scrap man buying his equipment got a specialist in to find gold 3ft from where they had been digging. So many times we change our focus from one thing to another in search of Gold when it is there right beneath our feet, sometimes in front of our eyes. Never give up your dream, and if you are struggling in business or any other area of your life "ASK FOR HELP FROM AN EXPERT" they are worth their weight in gold sometimes.

I work with business coaches and people ask why would you do that its a waste of money, NO! I say they add so much value to what you do, so much unseen but highly tangible results to those with the right mind set.
Another learning from this chapter was the section title 50 cent lesson in persistence where a your girl needs to get the 50 cents that her mother is due for laundry, in those days to not take no for an answer she would have been beaten. But she stood her ground to the Farmer and got her money. Made me think about my business....
  • Do I pay those who scream loudest?
  • Am i as persistentance in receiving payment from my clients when they drag their feet?
  • Would they indeed pay me if I shout the loudest?
  • Do I take no for an answer when pitching my services and offerings to readily?
If I apply this much persistence in the future both on a personal and business level how much more will i be true to myself and what value would this be to me on a financial level going forwards. Imagine you don't just accept that the team got the job done, that you insist they do it with vigour and a passion that you project. You don't let a client say no to the order, you change the offering to match their needs, don't just think hey you should buy this, think how can i make this something you want to buy, that Will help your business as much as it does mine?

Today I feel refreshed fro the challenge and great results I can see myself achieving and making sales in the day to cover the business costs fro the next goes nothing.

Persistance and Auto Suggestion

I woke early this morning and decided, most probably acted on listening to the CD's over the last few days that I must persist in taking in the information from the Napoleon Hill book "Think and Grow Rich" once more. I set to at 6.30 until 7.30 AM reading both the above named chapters. My leanings today were good, having a truly purposeful goal is an absolute must (I thought i knew this!!). Knowing and desiring the goal is even just as, if not more important. I left the warmth of the house, trundled through the rain to the office and set to adding the rest of the team's goals for this week on to the office white board. I looked at the list of To Do's I had created yesterday evening before retiring to sleep. I realised at this moment that I need to focus on the tasks which bring me towards my goal, needless to say the list was we-written and work prioritised. As I needed to do with the team.
I worked on their goals too, knowing that any results they were to give me would be as a result of any instructions and guidance I was to pass on to them....something very much on my mind in the future.
Later i will do my affirmations and reciting of my goals to start once more with implanting them deep in to my sub conscious once more. only this time with so much more commitment and desire. Hail BOB!!

Adding a CD player

So last week I made a commitment to the cause and purchased a CD player for the car. it was not lost on my sceptical partner as to my listen to Bob Proctor while ever in the move. gone is the news on five live and Pete Tong on a Friday evening. In come the tones of Bob and the think and grow rich seminar Cd's from now on. I have listed already to chapters one to five several times and this constant barrage of information to help towards my big hairy goals is starting to take effect.