Monday 16 November 2009

Starting over Mindpower

I woke bright and early this morning, at 3.30 AM even my alarm was not set until four. Having read two great chapters yesterday I decided to go back to the introduction and read it again. I intend to read the book several times over the coming months. like any great book every time I re-read a chapter I am learning something each time. Having struggled these past few weeks to be motivated I am once again finding the great energy need to achieve my goals. Yesterday's catch up must have sub consciously woken my energy again.

Reading Mind power The intro to Think and Grow Rich) again I found some great little nuggets of inspiration, observation and learning's.

The first was to hear how Edwin Barnes has so wanted to work with Edison that he was prepared to travel across America and declare his intentions to the Inventor and wait until such time that an opportunity to do so (many years later I might add) while living on a meagre wage.

I also learned again about the story "3 ft from Gold" ( a saying I adopted the first time i heard it) where an uncle if RU Darby got gold fever, borrowed to the hilt to attain the necessary equipment to dig for gold, only to quit when apparently first the gold then his money ran out (only to find that the scrap man buying his equipment got a specialist in to find gold 3ft from where they had been digging. So many times we change our focus from one thing to another in search of Gold when it is there right beneath our feet, sometimes in front of our eyes. Never give up your dream, and if you are struggling in business or any other area of your life "ASK FOR HELP FROM AN EXPERT" they are worth their weight in gold sometimes.

I work with business coaches and people ask why would you do that its a waste of money, NO! I say they add so much value to what you do, so much unseen but highly tangible results to those with the right mind set.
Another learning from this chapter was the section title 50 cent lesson in persistence where a your girl needs to get the 50 cents that her mother is due for laundry, in those days to not take no for an answer she would have been beaten. But she stood her ground to the Farmer and got her money. Made me think about my business....
  • Do I pay those who scream loudest?
  • Am i as persistentance in receiving payment from my clients when they drag their feet?
  • Would they indeed pay me if I shout the loudest?
  • Do I take no for an answer when pitching my services and offerings to readily?
If I apply this much persistence in the future both on a personal and business level how much more will i be true to myself and what value would this be to me on a financial level going forwards. Imagine you don't just accept that the team got the job done, that you insist they do it with vigour and a passion that you project. You don't let a client say no to the order, you change the offering to match their needs, don't just think hey you should buy this, think how can i make this something you want to buy, that Will help your business as much as it does mine?

Today I feel refreshed fro the challenge and great results I can see myself achieving and making sales in the day to cover the business costs fro the next goes nothing.

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