Monday 16 November 2009

Persistance and Auto Suggestion

I woke early this morning and decided, most probably acted on listening to the CD's over the last few days that I must persist in taking in the information from the Napoleon Hill book "Think and Grow Rich" once more. I set to at 6.30 until 7.30 AM reading both the above named chapters. My leanings today were good, having a truly purposeful goal is an absolute must (I thought i knew this!!). Knowing and desiring the goal is even just as, if not more important. I left the warmth of the house, trundled through the rain to the office and set to adding the rest of the team's goals for this week on to the office white board. I looked at the list of To Do's I had created yesterday evening before retiring to sleep. I realised at this moment that I need to focus on the tasks which bring me towards my goal, needless to say the list was we-written and work prioritised. As I needed to do with the team.
I worked on their goals too, knowing that any results they were to give me would be as a result of any instructions and guidance I was to pass on to them....something very much on my mind in the future.
Later i will do my affirmations and reciting of my goals to start once more with implanting them deep in to my sub conscious once more. only this time with so much more commitment and desire. Hail BOB!!

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