Monday 23 November 2009

My Current Daily Affirmations

As per the book and the Bob Proctor's the Goal Achiever Seminar CD I now have a set of daily affirmations that I am repeating out load each day to myself, these are aimed at implanting thoughts, emotions etc in to my sub conscious as pr the illustration a couple of posts back. I recognise the need for a mindset change which will in turn change my results. I looked at my life, my history and the results I am currently achieving (while I often under estimate the power and value of my achievements and results, some things I would like to change). I was brought up in a Farming family, hard long working days were expected, however I am very aware of the fact that you don't have to work so hard and long hours to achieve great results and have a great lifestyle. By implanting these thoughts and feelings in to my sub-conscious I hope to redress the balance and achieve the great results and goals I have set myself.

1. I run a fantastic and very successful client referral scheme in my business, which is generating rapid growth in the business month on month.

2. I live a balanced work and personal life, this is a brilliant feeling and I am proud of my results.

3. I get attract and deliver amazing results in everything I do.

4. I encourage risk taking and self expression with in all aspects of my life.

5. I make a good profit (exactly what your in business for) from every business transaction, while delivering great quality that customers appreciate and thank me for in writing on a regular basis.

6. I get paid on time by my clients, they value what we do for their business.

7. I am positive in all that i do, thoughts, deeds, thinking and actions.

8. I am successful, a great achiever, who can see things through effectively and people around me teal me how great this is for them and our company.

9. I am a doer, I get things done, effectively, efficiently and in a manor supported by those around me.

10. I am efficient, organised, honest, kind, considerate and fair in all that I do.

11. I am a good listener asking more questions, speaking less than I listen, people comment to others how interesting it was speaking with me and that I help them to grow their contacts and business whenever the opportunity arises, regardless.

12. My business and operations are advanced in the market place, well organised, profitable and delivers fantastic customer service, every time.

13. I am honest with my partner dealing with problems quickly showing I care and love her.

14. I make decisions quickly and efficiently without emotion all the time.

15. I am very well organised and passionate about administration and paperwork.

16. I believe I am worth every penny I am charging and deserve to be paid on time. My clients see this and respect this.

17. I am positive with everyone I interact with.

18. i will not allow other people to implant their negative vibrations in me.

19. I am prosperous and attract prosperity to myself and those with whom I come in to contact with all the time.

20. I am a total success in everything I do.

21. I set high goals fro myself and I achieve them again and again.

22. I am a total success things go my way in life and all my efforts bring rich rewards.

23. i set high goals for myself which i attain, I am warm and friendly person, people are naturally drawn to me.

24. People seek me out to do business with me.

25. I am totally relaxed and confident when making any sort of presentation.

26. I feel positive at all times and people respond to me in a positive way.

27. I powerfully attract more and more customers to my business.

28. it is becoming easier and easier for me to realise my sales goals.

29. My positive and enthusiastic attitude is infectious.

30. People want to buy from me.

31. My customers recommend me to othrs and the number of clients I have is increasing daily.

32. My sales are increasing dramatically.

33. My income level is rising higher and higher all the time.

34. I am a success in all that I do, everything goes my way and works out positively for me.

35. I have a magnetic personality and attract positive people towards me.

36. More and more is coming to me.

37. All of my efforts are productive.

38. I believe in myself completely.

39. I am attaining my sales goals nothing can deter me from them.

40. My income level is increasing dramatically.

41. I have total confidence and know I am a winner in life.

42. Money comes to me easily.

43. It is absolutely OK and great to earn more money than Dad.

44. I deserve riches and success is mine, prosperity is mine.

Now i have used some of these from Bob as they are very relevant to me, I hope by implanting these i can adapt my mindset to achieve and do great things with my life, if not for me for others and my dependants and legacy.

What are your affirmations????

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